Good Afternoon Hope, What a beautiful picture you chose today. I got this in an email a while back and I think I even forwarded on to you. "THANK YOU" for sharing it with us. I am just in awe at the wonderful colors that GOD does show us. I am a bit disappointed that we didn't get to move. Me and the girls will be moving some small things this week and then my DH and his cousin can do the big things this weekend. My DH said he would start Friday morning when he got in, so by Saturday afternoon we should have everything out. I hope you are feeling better as well. I hope your body is adjusting to the meds now. I think that is why I haven't felt too good this past week also. My DH didn't take the camera with him. I'm surprised tho, but when he's not driving he is sleeping, so it wouldn't have done him any good to take it with him. LOL. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
I appreciate each and every one of you who come by to say hello, especially all of my friends who have stuck by me through thick and thin...mostly thin with my posts these days! Thank you!
If you are new here..Welcome! Come in and look around the old homeplace. Have a cup of coffee and make yourself at home. Leave me a little note to let me know you've been here! :)
Ya'll come back now, ya hear?
Just Me
"The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common" Ralph Waldo Emerson
An Update For Friends of Vee
This is Abby from Little Birdie Blessings, with some news about our dear
friend Vee. On Sunday, July 23, 2023, Vee peacefully left this earth for
her Hea...
Back to Blogging
So happy to be back on blogger. I have missed my blogging
friends,especially those of you I couldn't keep up with on Facebook. Their
is lots of catching u...
A Cornucopia of Thoughts For Thanksgiving
Recently, I was introduced to BloomNation, and was inspired to share my
Thanksgiving table decor.
I used a mix of dried hydrangeas and fresh roses along ...
Outdoor Patio Furniture for the Ages
For generations, our ancestors sought any shelter they could to get out of
the elements. First a cave, then a primitive hut, and now expansive homes
in t...
Uncle Dave
This is my Uncle Dave.He is very funny. I love him so much. He is very
active and very silly. If you know him, good for you, if you don't, too
baad. Inste...
~The Four Boyfriends A Great Story~
*Once upon a time there was a girl who had four boyfriends. She loved the
fourth boyfriend*
*the most and adorned him with rich robes and treated him to...
My Daddy had a caddy....
My Daddy had a caddy for each of his daughters, to
remember the year they born or just the love of the car alone, either way,
his pas...
Birthdays are a wonderful time in our lives, whether its ours, are childrens
or our friends. They are a time to reminisce and a time to celebrate new
I welcomed a new Great nephew into the world recently*. He is soooooo
handsome. *
* This brought to mind a funny memory . When our last daughter was born....
For Now....
Hi Sweethearts! How are YOU? I am fine. I've missed you very much this past
week. Yes, I've cleaned and organized, but I must admit that I've spent an
50 Questions ~ Part 1
*50 Questions Just for Fun.*
So my friend, Karla, did this and it looked like fun so here goes the first
25 questions...
*1. Are you young at heart, or an ...
Sunday Dinner, October 17, 2010
After several weeks hiatus, I'm back, although I don't have a Sunday Dinner
menu to share. I have no idea what I'm doing for Sunday Dinner this week,
as pe...
I believe...
*This is my first post, published January 13, 2008; let's restart this
thing from the beginning, okay?* *
If you could see the ...
Winter Daydreams
Tired of looking out and seeing snow, snow and more snow? Longing for the
lush colors and textures of Spring/Summer? Then why not join me in a bit
of Win...
I have moved
Please follow me to
I have had a time blogging so thought if I changed my name...Come see me
Hello, ladies!
I'm still here! We temporarily have dial up Internet...oh, is SO
slow. I have missed reading your blogs so much but I can't out here because
it ta...
New Blog Up And Running
Finally got the new blog going. So please follow me on over and see what's
been going on around the homestead: Hidden Haven Homestead Too
Don't forget t...
Flowers and Stripes Capri Set
Flowers and Stripes Capri Set Originally uploaded by Rosie’s Whimsy Does
this not look like a flash back to the 50’s? I adore this little frock top
and cap...
Happy Thanksgiving
*Hello every one, now don’t have a heart attack, I know it’s been a long
time..! I have been so busy around here, but that’s really no excuse, I’ve
had t...
*Hello everyone*
*Sorry for not making a post last night, but, I have so much going on as of
late. My oldest daughter thinks that because she is now 18 and...
Early Mornings With Karen
Dealing with an irritating bug of some sort for more than a few days gets
me a bit ticked. And antsy. Respiratory illnesses seem to hang on forever
with ...
To Lisa In Indiana....
You left a comment on a post I created in 2007. I am not posting on this
blog anymore, but I do get notified if there is a comment. My new blogs
Under the Weather
Hello Friends,
Sorry I haven't been posting . May 12, I was in an Arts/Crafts Fest. with
My Bro.sales going good, around 3:00 I started having chest and ba...
A Long Few Months.
The last 8 months have been difficult for me. In August 2018. my husband
passed away suddenly after starting a new job. He was here at home and I
found him...
An Angel on my shoulder
Today I received a card in the mail from my local pharmacy. I have received
lots of cards lately, but this one was rather unexpected. And at the same
time ...
Hi y'all! How is everyone? I am doing fine. I do not have much time to blog
but I would love to get back into it. I have been working a full time job,
Dona Nobis Pacem
*Dona Nobis Pacem*
*"One little person, giving all of her*
*time for peace, makes news.*
*Many people, giving some of*
*their time, makes history."*
Trois Filles a Paris
Spring in Paris ~ If you would like to follow this adventure with me, my
sister, and sister-in-law, click on the post title (TroisFilles a Paris)!
Spiritual Eyesight
Some years ago while driving I notice that the road signs were blurring but
I didn’t think much about it at the moment. I thought it would pass but it
Portrait Photography
I've skipped a couple days in the Photo Challenge. I was looking forward
to doing the assigned Photo Walk over the weekend, but I wanted Lyle to go
with m...
Today I saw an eagle,
With a teardrop in his eye.
It literally took by breath away
To see an eagle cry.
I asked him, What's the matter?
And he told me what ...
This Is A Test!
I haven't been on blogger in ages. So here I am, and this is just a test.
Everything looks so different. Since it has been extremely hot for over a
week, I...
Please join me....
...for a little change. I have really enjoyed this blog, but as you can see
I haven't been very attentive lately. After consideration I think I am
ready fo...
Simple Things
Simple Things.
I have found as time goes on, I really appreciate the simple things in
life. Those little things that we take for granted. For example.
Turn the page
As I am sitting here bored on a Saturday night jumping from Facebook, to
blogs, to Twitter and trying to get my brain to spit out all the words
running a...
Welcome Fall!
*“It looked like the world was covered in a cobbler*
* crust of brown sugar and cinnamon.” ~Sarah Addison Allen, First Frost*
*"There is a harmony in ...
A Cozy Little Cottage By The Sea...
Every now and then, I start to think about what it would be like to have
the perfect little cottage by the sea...and what it would look like if I
PhotoHunt ~ Toes
The PhotoHunt today is 'Toes'
I think you could say that I have Traveling Toes . . .
Lots of pictures of my toes on the go . . .
Toms are my favorite trav...
Catching Up And Looking Back
Good intentions are always at the top of my list but the reality is that
the best of intentions don't usually take priority when life requires a
change of ...
Fall Decor
I'm late posting my fall decor, but better late than never!
I couldn't find time to edit the pictures, so I decided
to post them unedited. Some are too yell...
Good Afternoon Hope,
What a beautiful picture you chose today. I got this in an email a while back and I think I even forwarded on to you. "THANK YOU" for sharing it with us. I am just in awe at the wonderful colors that GOD does show us. I am a bit disappointed that we didn't get to move. Me and the girls will be moving some small things this week and then my DH and his cousin can do the big things this weekend. My DH said he would start Friday morning when he got in, so by Saturday afternoon we should have everything out. I hope you are feeling better as well. I hope your body is adjusting to the meds now. I think that is why I haven't felt too good this past week also. My DH didn't take the camera with him. I'm surprised tho, but when he's not driving he is sleeping, so it wouldn't have done him any good to take it with him. LOL. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Such beautiful colors!
Thanks...white was getting to be a bit much for!
Have a great Sunday evening!
Yes! Definitely God's painting! That's giving credit where credit is due. Hope today has bben lovely for you - Jennifer
Beautiful picture! I love seeing your Sunday posts. Hope you are still feeling better. Just wanted to say hello.
Hi Karen,
I hope you are still improving, feeling a little better each and every day.
That is a beautiful picture. Yes, it does look like God took a paint brush to create it.
Have a good week, Hope
I love the beautiful picture of God's Painting. I hope your doing well. Have a wonderful week. Love & Prayers. Lisa
I love this picture!
Oh SO Beautiful. Happy Day.
This picture is amazing!
God is The creator =D
God IS the most creative artist...what a beautiful picture. His work is faultless!
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