My son has grown into a fine young man and I'm very proud of him. He has been a soldier and is now a police officer. He's a good son and little brother to Jenny:

He's a good husband to Angie and father to Kian:

And as you all know, he just recently became a father again when Josie came into the world:

He has been playing drums since he was 4 years old and continues to play with a local band called Spank:

As you can see, the fruits of my "labor" have paid off!! Happy Birthday, Willie! I love you and I would do it all over again!!
Good Morning Hope,
I'm here for coffee and I sure hope you have some since I've been awake since around 1:00a.m. I'm going to need all the coffee I can get. LOL. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to your Son, Willie. I love the pictures you shared of him. I know you are a proud Momma. They do grow up way too fast don't they? Where or where does the time go. I know it seems like I was just bringing our girls home and now look at them. I do miss them being babies sometimes tho. They will always be my babies no matter how old they are, it's just I miss feeding them and rocking them and things like that. Sometimes it makes me want to have another one. LOL. I'm too old for that now tho. He was born a pretty good sized baby I should say. Our youngest daughter was 8lbs. and 3 ounces but she sure gave me a time while I was carrying her. But like you said, it was all worth it and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Happy birthday to your son! Hope he has a wonderful day.
Time really does fly - my "baby" turned 35 this year too. And my sweet granddaughter is graduating from high school in 8 weeks!
How does this happen??
Happy Birthday to your son! Sounds like you have two fine children and of course, wonderful grandchildren. Even though I am not a parent myself, I know that parenting is the hardest job in the world. Congratulations on a job well done.
What a cutie.. Happy Birthday! you have one awsome mom!He looks like an awsome family man. Was he in the AF? Rian was in Qutar with a guy from Virginia that is a cop now. When he went through there he stayed with them. Prob. not your son,but that would be cool.
Happy Birthday!!!
I am choosing to ignore his age. You are too close to my age in spirit and I think we'll just ignore the numbers! I REFUSE to let you be close to my mom's age in my mind and you are now an honorary 37 year old. K?
Be blessed!
Happy Birthday to your son Willie!! He is a very nice looking young man!! I bet you are so proud of him!! Looks to me like you did a wonderful job raising him!!
My baby is 29 and my oldest is 50!!
Love and hugs Grams
Your kids and grandkids are all handsome. Your son favors you a lot, Hope.
Today is also Phyllis' birthday. Check out my post for today to find out more about a handbag she is giving away, that is if you are interested. She makes some beautiful handbags.
Your son is exactly 10 years older than my oldest son. Boys are something else aren't there? What a wonderful feeling to know we did a good job raising our sons.
What a blessing to have such a sweet and handsome son!!
Isn't it odd how we are an age and then suddenly our children are that age. Time flies, for sure. It seems like yesterday Michelle was born and now she has two boys - one that will be 13 in May.
Happy Birthday to your baby. I wish him a wonderful day.
Please drop by my blog. I've tagged you for a meme.
Happy happy birthday to Willie! Hope it's a grand and memorable one. ;o)
Also, I hope you feel better soon and get your medication adjusted as it should be.
Have a great new week, Hope. ;o)
Love and hugs,
Happy Birthday wishes to your son. I know you are very proud of him. I hope your feeling good. Take care.Love ya. Lisa
HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY WILLIE (man you are gettin old hahahaha! just think I may get old to, but I will never be as old as you!) Sorry had to do the voices in my head told me to say all that. JK anyway happy birthday willie and aunt hopie i know you are so proud of him!
Happy Birthday to your very handsome son:-) You have every reason to be so proud of him!! I had big babies too...Shawn was 9lbs. 8oz and Corey was 9lbs 13oz! lol Everyone said they looked like a month old when they came out of me! hehe I hope Willie had a terrific day:-) xoxo
Hi, sweet HOPE, (I do so love your pretty name)....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your boy! Isn't it amazing how FAST the time flys by. My baby girl is going to turn 39 next month and my little boy just turned 44....BOOOO HOOOOOOOO....and what is so scary is that the grandkids are growing up even faster than our kids!!
Oh, my!
Extra hugs, bj (and I need one, too):(
You should be proud of your handsome son! He is a treasure! I know what a blessing he is to you...happy, happy birthday wishes to him!
Thank you for stopping by my place and for your kind words. I think you may live pretty close to me!
Happy birthday to your son - aren't boys wonderful? My two are 32 and 26 but I still think of them as my babies. I love them so.
I hope you're feeling well and I'll catch up with you more later!
Hi Hope, what a fine young man, you have reason to be most proud of him.
I love God's Painting and the verse you selected...both beautiful.
I hope you are feeling better each day, take care Linda.
ahhhh - you SHOULD be proud - Happy Birthday to your boy - he is a very handsome man... and I know how much you must love him.
Just a quick hello. I hope that all is well with you! Be blessed.
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