Anyway, I want to share my button collection with you. I've always loved buttons as far back as I can remember. I use to play in my mother's box of buttons, fascinated by the different colors all together and the feel of them as I sifted them through my fingers. My collection came about, not over many years time but just a few months. I started with my own jar that I intended to add special buttons to as I found them. My DH got in on the game and suddenly everywhere he went he would come home proudly carrying another jar, or box or even garbage bags full. I kid you not. I have bags of them that are still on their original cards. If I had them all displayed, my little "button corner" would become a "button room"!! I have been teased unmercifully about"Hope, do you think you have enough buttons there?", or "Hope, I'm missing a button on my shirt. Do you have any idea where I could find one?"...things like that. I just turn a deaf ear because I really do love them all:

Be honest now, wouldn't you just love to run your fingers through these: