One reason I hadn't already asked for prayer is because I felt that what I'm dealing with is just a minor little thing compared to what a lot of you are going through. But I also feel that the Lord has given me a wake up call here and now it's up to me to do something about it, with His help and the prayers of those who care about me.

Now on to cheerful things! Jennifer at dust bunny hostage gave me this award a few days ago. Even though I'm just getting around to picking it up, I appreciate it very much. I met Jen when she first started her blog and I was immediately drawn to her....probably because of that magnetic personality of hers! When I visit there I always get a blessing, a smile, or a belly laugh and sometimes all these emotions from one post! I love this girl!! Thank you so much, Jen, for acknowledging our friendship with this award.
Many of you have asked to see new pictures of Josie. Well, today was the debut of her first studio pictures and her Mommy sent me the proofs to view. Even though they can't be enlarged you can get an idea of how she's growing and changing. My sweet baby is already 7 weeks old!

Now I'm off to visit all of you and catch up on all I've missed the past few days.