(Thank you, Brandy, for letting everybody know what was going on in my absence.) I had several skin cancers on my face that I had burned off. The one that really worried me was the one that went all across the bridge of my nose and was spreading out under my eyes. None of these were serious, just over-exposure to the sun. They burned off 4 of them but the one on my nose had to be done with medicine which did a slow burn...14 days of applying it and each day burning worse! No fun at all! After that I had to apply a steroid cream for 14 more days to help it heal. I'm glad that's over!! Here's a picture taken on day 4 of applying the medication.

It got so bad by the 14th day that I didn't want a picture!! I tried to wear my glasses on the very tip of my nose to check out your blogs but I kept forgetting and pushing them up. Then I would have to re-apply the medicine. I even tried to read without them but all the words were a big blur so I had to quit trying! :( A lot has been going on with me in the meantime so I'll have to catch you up a little at a time. We have been working on our house again and I've been taking some pictures to share with you. I hope to be back in full blog swing next week. Have a great weekend!!
Welcome Back!!!!!!!!!! We sure have missed you but glad everything is ok... can't wait to see the pictures
What a blessed day this is. I am sop glad that you are back and you have definately been missed. My blog has changed from 'Bits and Pieces' to 'Moodscape'. Just so you know ahead of time and not think you landed on someone else's blog.
Welcome Back Hope!!
I'm sooooo glad to see you back and bless your heart gal! I guess we should all get serious about our sun screen!
I've got a new blog, and you are welcome any time!
Hooray, you are back. You just don't know how I've missed you, Hope. I always looked forward to your posts and to you visiting me and leaving comments. You were always inspiring to me. Your poor thing. That picture of you looks bad, and I can definitely see why you could not wear your glasses. I am so glad you are better and will be back to blogging regularly next week.
Karen has not posted in a month or longer. I did get a "forwarded" email from her recently so I don't know why she's not blogging.
Take care of yourself. Don't let anything else bad happen to our girl, okay?
Bless your heart,my sister in law had the same treatments as yours, and her face now is lovely.
Take care,
I came over from Jo's site. I am sorry that you have had to deal with skin cancer, but very happy it was not very serious. Although it really sounds like it was a very painful treatment! Welcome back to blogland!
Yay!! So glad to see a new post from you, Hope!
Sorry you've been dealing with health issues, but I hope you're on the mend now and will be able to get back to blogging soon. I've missed you! :o)
Love and hugs,
Dearest Hope,
I had a big smile on my face when I saw that you had posted:-) So great to have you back amongst us and also terrific news to learn that you're healing so well!! I can't even imagine what you went through...sounds and looks so painful. Big hugs to you and looking forward to hearing what you've been up to while healing:-) xoxo
It's great to see you again. Hang in there, you'll make it.......
Have a great day.....JD
Hi Hope,
Welcome back, sure did miss you!
Hope you're better soon!
I'm so glad that you are finished with the treatments. That is a painful procedure. I will pray that all of the cancer is gone.
Enjoy your day.
Hi Hope!! So happy you are back and so sorry you had to go through so much!
This looks so painful my goodness!! I will pray that they got it all and a complete recovery!
Love and hugs, Grams
Welcome back Hope!! So glad to hear you are doing better!! Can't wait to catch up!! Have a great day!!~Wendy
Yea! Hope's back! I have thought about you so much; I'm glad you are feeling better and on the mend. Take your time getting back into the swing of things around here. I have been so busy with the wedding that I am just now starting to catch up with friends.
I'm so glad you're back, Hope, and doing better.
Take care and God bless!
Welcome back Hope Dear! I am so glad to hear from you. Life is a bit chaotic right now, so I am later than I wanted to be comming to see you.
You poor nose! I'm glad you did what needed to be done to take care of yourself, but bless your heart.
Take care! I am so happy that you are back!
Welcome back Hope!! I'm back from my travels and was so glad to see your comment on my blog and to see that you are recovered from your skin cancers. Bless you, I'm sure it was a trial. We're all happy to see you blogging again.
Take care!
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