He was named Collin, after my mother's maiden name, and I got a new name too. I became Granny. What a pleasure this boy has been to me!! He was such a good baby..always happy and smiling..showing his big dimples. He started growing up much too fast for me.

The following two pictures of Collin were made in Mount Airy, NC, home of Andy Griffith and Floyd's Barber Shop. Does he remind you of another little red head named Opie??

It makes me really sad sometimes to look back at all Collin's pictures and see how fast he grew up, but then I see the fine and handsome young man he has become and it makes me so proud.

Happy Birthday, my precious boy! You will always be the light of my life.
I love you,
Happy Birthday Collin!
What a wonderful tribute to your grandson. They do grow up fast, don't they? Brandon just turned 13 in May and like you, it seems like yesterday that I held him for the first time.
Happy Birthday, Collin. I wish that all of your dreams come true.
I know well about grandchildren. I have a 14 year old granddaughter. I bet they would like each other. They just do grow up way too fast. Is this your only grandchild? Just wondered.
Stop by and see what our friends did for us today.
Hi HOpe,
Happy b.day to Collin.
Thrilled to have you back. We really missed you!
Happy Birthday to your grandson Colin...what an adorable baby he was and is now quite a handsome young man! I'm so looking forward to having my own grandchildren...I will enjoy every minute of it because as you say, they grow so fast!! xoxo
Happy Birthday Collin!! Wow... with those beautiful blue eyes, I bet he has to walk around with a stick to beat the girls off of him...lol I got the biggest kick out of the picture of him sitting in Floyd's Baber Chair.. He really did look like a little Opie (Bet Opie didn't have such beautiful blue eyes though).
I love your new header Hope. Have I told you in the last day or two how happy I am that you are back?
Collin,here is a great happy birthday blessing for you!
I like the new header.
I hope that every body is haveing a Great weekend,That's my story and i'm sticking to it.Big time Hugs and God's blessing all around.
I am so glad you are able to be back on your blog. I missed you a lot! Happy Birthday Collin.
Welcome back~ Love -n- Hugs Lisa
Girl im so glad your back. I missed you so much. Virginia wasn't the same without seeing you. I hope all continues to get better,
What a special tribute to your handsome grandson, Collin.
Happy Birthday, Collin.
Happy Birthday to that sweet grandson.
So thankful your cancers are gone and you are on the road to recovery.
I know that must have been painful..
Take good care,
14 years of cuteness! Happy Birthday Collin.
12 year old daughter would think he is a doll!
Be blessed.
Hi Hope!
What a wonderful post on Collin! He sure looked like Opie in those pics...
Thanks, Hope, for visiting me today and letting me know you are still alive and kicking, although not too high, lol.
I'll be glad when you are not too busy to blog. Your writings were always so amusing to me. Hurry back to it.
Hi Hope -
Thanks for stopping by my blog to let me know you are back. It's good to hear from you again. I hope the birthday was a good one. Isn't it fun to look back at the lives of our loved ones and give thanks for how they changed our lives? Please stop by and visit again soon.
Same age and just as adorable as MY son! I hope I enjoy my grandchildren as much as you obviously do!! karol
Happy 4th of July Hope.Enjoy your summer. Love ya. Lisa
He is adorable all the way through-can you believe how old he is-time flys when your having fun doesn't it.Yesterday my first grandbaby came-she will soon be 5 and I have my 4th on the way.
Hope you are well and have a good 4th of July!
Happy Birthday Collin!
My son just celebrated his 19th birthday. Time goes by so very quickly!
Have a lovely day
Hey Hope Honey! Remember that post that I asked you about doing? Well, it is up! I HOPE that you find JOY in it and I have FAITH that you will have CHARITY on me for not always using PRUDENCE. But friendship is a VIRTUE dear and I wanted to honor it! LOL!
Love ya!
Hi Hope,
I'm waiting for another post from you, lol. Hope you are improving.
I have an award for you to pick up at your convenience.
Love and Prayers,
Hello Hope:
It's good to see you again! And a happy birthday to Colin too...! Well I guess you can see that I'm like a house’s tail too, BEHIND’. I need to get back into the swing of things too. Maybe it won't be so busy around here for a while, with the weather and all. That Colin is a handsome young man. Your Christmas Tree looks great too.
Jo and I wish you and your family the best Christmas and New Year ever, and the same goes for everyone who read this post..!!
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