Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Reason for the Season

nativity sized

I am by nature a big cut-up and goofball. I've always been the clown. But I do have a serious side.

I come before you now, all my wonderful, new bloggy friends that I grow more fond of with each post or comment, my old and dear friends and my wonderful family and precious grandchildren, to all who tune in to my little blog, to tell you about the Greatest Gift I've ever received...the gift of Salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. He has been the Constant in my life no matter how far I've wandered off the straight and narrow or how much I've failed Him. He is right there by my side and loves me unconditionally.

Constantly Aware is an old song that has always meant a lot to me. "Constantly aware that He is everywhere". I see Him... in the beauty of nature all around me. I see Him in the faces of my sweet grandchildren. I see Him in Jenny's hands as she signs silent praises to Him. I see Him in my son, the policeman, who tries to always be so stern but can be brought to his knees when touched by a Christmas play. I see Him in the friends who have come into my life. I hear Him... in the laughter, the voices of those I love. I hear Him in the voice of my dear son-in-law as he asks the blessing over our food and never fails, just before the amen, to add, "I love You, Lord!", and my heart agrees.

At times He does things for me to touch my old, sometimes hardened-by-life heart, like painting this beautiful picture for me as I sit alone on my back porch, and I smile..

sky view from back porch

How can I not thank Him for all these blessings? How can I not thank Him and praise Him, especially in this joyous season, for all He has done for me and for my undeserved gift of eternal life.

"Thank you, Lord, for giving me peace in my life and especially the peace in my heart! Peace that is beyond all understanding! I love You, Lord!"


Lib said...

Amen Sister! I too, Thank him for my Salvation.
I see him in each of your Post! I Thank him for directing me to your name on Peggy's blog. My daily visits with you are such a Blessin'. I Thank him for a Loving Family , Loving and Peaceful Home .For my Friends.Face to Face Friends, and Inky Trail Friends.I thank him for all my many,many Blessins'.
Bless You my Friend!

FarmHouse Style said...

Hope, what a beautiful and inpiring post:) Thank you for such a touching testimony. I am so happy that I have met you here in this blogging space. You are just precious.

Rhonda said...

I agree with Rhonda! I am so glad I have met you while blogging!! You are really special and I too appreciate your visits and your comments are so sweet and kind and uplifting!!
This was a very precious post and it brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad for a Savior who Loves me. too!!
Blessings, Grams

Peggy said...

what a blessing we have just knowing what we have waiting for us after our journey in this world has ended. Love your post!

Anonymous said...

That was so pretty. Thanks for comin and visiting and I will remember your family in my prayers.

FarmHouse Style said...

Good Morning, Hope. I have tagged you to play a little game. Come over to get the details:)


Karen H. said...

Good Morning Hope,
I'm here for coffee. LOL. I love your Nativity. It is beautiful. Such a beautiful and touching post. I love the picture with the sky above your home. It looks as if smoke is coming out of your chimney. It is just breathtaking. I didn't post any over the weekend as it was a busy weekend for us. I did put up a new post this morning. Well, take care my friend and have a great Monday. May God Bless You and Yours.

Karen H.