Friday, January 18, 2008

All my grandbabies...

Ok, I know you're probably glad by now that I don't have home movies to show you but I do have one more picture. Jenny (aka GranSissy) took this one for me. I've had company and haven't been over to see the baby again or take any more pictures. I just had to show you all my beautiful grandbabies together.

All My Grandbabies 1-17-08

From left to right: Kian, Claire holding Baby Josie, and Collin, my teenager! They are all still my "grandbabies" to me no matter how old they get!!


I have had company for several days so I just jump on here when I get a minute to say hello. I'll be back usual gabby self! I miss you all and will have so much catching up to do!!